Sexuality Guide

I am currently developing a practice guiding individuals with their relationship to sexuality. While I am in training, I am making a special offer of three sessions on a trade basis. Below is more info about me and my offer to you.

After hosting 50+ events on sex, love and relationships, I decided to formally study sexuality to have a stronger practical and theoretical foundation for our programs. In 2023 I became a certified Holistic Sexuality Educator (CHSE) through the Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment. This training approaches pleasure and solving sexual dysfunction from a holistic perspective, integrating biological and anatomical knowledge with the psychological, social and cultural perspectives that shape our experiences. It is an intersectional and relational approach that looks at many factors, recognizing that sexuality is inextricably linked to every area of our lives. 

While I am interested in many facets, I have a special focus on the world of kink and BDSM. I studied kink and power dynamics under Colette Pervette and TASHRA among others, and have spoken on the topic at the Reimagine Sexuality Festival, Seksfest Utrecht, Sexyland, De School and more.

I am currently studying Compassionate Inquiry, the therapeutic approach to trauma developed by Dr. Gabor Mate. My goal is to create a practice guiding people through the liberatory potential of exploring, accepting and expressing their deepest desires for a more pleasurable and fulfilling relationship with sexuality.
My Services
A sexuality educator can mean many things. My aim is to help you identify your desires as well as potential road blocks, and help guide you to a richer, more pleasurable sex life. Whether your interest is extremely specific or you have no idea where to start, we can work through it together. I can be your sex toy consultant, alter ego stylist, wing man at your first sexy party or workshop, your confidant, your fantasy co-producer, role play ritual creator, a safe space to practice difficult conversations and so much more. If I am not able to help with your specific wishes, I will do my best to refer you to someone else. It’s important to note that while I welcome discussions on difficult or traumatic situations, I am not trained as a psychotherapist.

My Offer
I propose we begin with three one-hour, bi-weekly(ish) sessions,  with the first meeting being an in-depth introduction. Based on our initial conversation I will draft an approach and provide you with a space to share notes, resources and other relevant info. After the three sessions we will discuss if and how we would like to proceed working together.

To respect each of our time commitment, I’m offering these sessions on a trade basis. I’m open to any suggestions! You can walk my dog Maus, make me a sexy mix, read my palm... any little gift you want to share is welcome.

I am available for these sessions on Tuesday through Friday during office hours on the CET time zone. I generally meet online or in my studio in Amsterdam west.

Next Steps
Email me at with your availability for the first call, and anything else you’d like me to know about your interests. If you already have specific ideas, please share as much as you feel comfortable with.

Thank you for your interest and your trust.  I look forward to hearing from you! xx